1. Momocs::apodemus
    Data: Outline coordinates of Apodemus (wood mouse) mandibles
  2. Momocs::bot
    Data: Outline coordinates of beer and whisky bottles.
  3. Momocs::chaff
    Data: Landmark and semilandmark coordinates on cereal glumes
  4. Momocs::charring
    Data: Outline coordinates from an experimental charring on cereal grains
  5. Momocs::flower
    Data: Measurement of iris flowers
  6. Momocs::hearts
    Data: Outline coordinates of hand-drawn hearts
  7. Momocs::molars
    Data: Outline coordinates of 360 molars
  8. Momocs::mosquito
    Data: Outline coordinates of mosquito wings.
  9. Momocs::mouse
    Data: Outline coordinates of mouse molars
  10. Momocs::nsfishes
    Data: Outline coordinates of North Sea fishes
  11. Momocs::oak
    Data: Configuration of landmarks of oak leaves
  12. Momocs::olea
    Data: Outline coordinates of olive seeds open outlines.
  13. Momocs::shapes
    Data: Outline coordinates of various shapes
  14. Momocs::trilo
    Data: Outline coordinates of cephalic outlines of trilobite
  15. Momocs::wings
    Data: Landmarks coordinates of mosquito wings